Упражнение 4 на косвенную речь

Правильны ли предложения?


1. She explained me the time was 10 o’clock.
2. He told to me the way to Brighton.
3. He told me he was going to London.
4. The policeman informed it was dangerous.
5. The man assured them it was safe.
6. She replied that she was very well.
7. He answered he was going to be late.
8. He argued that they were wrong.

1. She explained me the time was 10 o’clock. – ОШИБКА, так как после глагола explain обязательно that (надо: she explained me that).

2. He told to me the way to Brighton. – ОШИБКА, так как после глагола tell перед адресатом не требуется предлога (надо: he told me).

3. He told me he was going to London. – ПРАВИЛЬНО.

4. The policeman informed it was dangerous. – ОШИБКА, так как после глагола inform обязателен адресат (надо: The policeman informed me).

5. The man assured them it was safe. – ПРАВИЛЬНО.

6. She replied that she was very well. – ПРАВИЛЬНО.

7. He answered he was going to be late. – ОШИБКА, так как после answer обязательно that (надо: he answered that).

8. He argued that they were wrong. – ПРАВИЛЬНО.