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Преобразуйте слова таким образом, чтобы они подходили в контекст.


He left the concert because it was too __BORE__ .

__BORE__ made him left the city he used to live in.

The builder is planning to __BROAD__ the way in the narrowest place.

The __BROAD__ of the river is about 4 km.

Their son always wanted to become a __BUILD__.

This __BUILD__ needed repainting.

Cross this part of the road __CARE__!

She is an/a __CARE__ driver, as she has got into a plenty of car accidents.

They were given a __CERTIFY__ for their participation in the contest.

Could you __CERTIFY__ your words?

He is laying __COMFORT__ in a warm bed.

What are the __COMMERCE__ prices of these gadgets?

Their __COMMUNICATE__ led to the final decision to break up.

The girls seemed very __COMMUNICATE__, because they had a lot of friends.

Sport __COMPETE__ took place every summer holidays in my school.

__CONTAIN__ of the book I’ve read makes me think over my future.

The __CONVERSE__ is very pleasing for them.

They were __CONVICT__ 2 years ago and were put to a prison.

The fact was very __CONVINCE__ so she couldn’t utter a word.

She found these letters and other __CORRESPOND__ on the coffee table.

Are you a __CREATE__ person?

__CREATE__ of a microscope changed the world of science.

Who is considered to be the __CREATE__ of the first mobile phone?

She was a __CRIME__ with a rich __CRIME__ biography.

Are there any __CULTURE__ events in your town?

__CULTURE__ people only drop garbage in the street.

__CURRENT__ we have 2 tickets for this film.

It’s too __DANGER__ to cross the road here!

In the Red Book there are lots of __DANGER__ animals.

The magazine comes out __DAY__ .

Find __DECIDE__ synonyms and __DECIDE__ antonyms at Thesaurus.com, a free online Thesaurus and Synonym Dictionary.

The term __DECIDE__ refers to: Judgment (law), as the outcome of a legal case.

Their position on this bill is still __DECIDE__.

He left the concert because it was too BORING .

BOREDOM made him left the city he used to live in.

The builder is planning to BROADEN the way in the narrowest place.

The BREADTH of the river is about 4 km.

Their son always wanted to become a BUILDER.

This BUILDING needed repainting.

Cross this part of the road CAREFULLY!

She is an/a CARELESS driver, as she has got into a plenty of car accidents.

They were given a CERTIFICATE for their participation in the contest.

Could you RECERTIFY your words?

He is laying COMFORTABLY_ in a warm bed.

What are the COMMERCIAL prices of these gadgets?

Their COMMUNICATION led to the final decision to break up.

The girls seemed very COMMUNICATIVE, because they had a lot of friends.

Sport COMPETITIONS took place every summer holidays in my school.

CONTENT of the book I’ve read makes me think over my future.

The CONVERSATION is very pleasing for them.

They were CONVICTED 2 years ago and were put to a prison.

The fact was very CONVINCING so she couldn’t utter a word.

She found these letters and other CORRESPONDENCE on the coffee table.

Are you a CREATIVE person?

CREATION of a microscope changed the world of science.

Who is considered to be the CREATOR of the first mobile phone?

She was a CRIMINAL with a rich CRIMINAL biography.

Are there any CULTURAL events in your town?

UNCULTURED people only drop garbage in the street.

CURRENTLY we have 2 tickets for this film.

It’s too DANGEROUS to cross the road here!

In the Red Book there are lots of ENDANGERED animals.

The magazine comes out DAILY .

Find DECISIVE synonyms and DECISIVE antonyms at Thesaurus.com, a free online Thesaurus and Synonym Dictionary.

The term DECISION refers to: Judgment (law), as the outcome of a legal case.

Their position on this bill is still UNDECIDED.