
Упражнение на настоящее простое время (Present Simple).

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1. I often go to the cinema.
2. I’m busy till half past eleven.
3. She lives in Moscow.
4. He likes to get up early.
5. He’s sometimes late.
6. She’s got two sisters.
7. That shop closes at nine.
8. Those shops are closed at eight.

1. I often go to the cinema.
I don’t often go to the cinema. — Я не часто хожу в кино.

2. I’m busy till half past eleven.
I’m not busy till half past eleven. — Я не занят до половины двенадцатого.

3. She lives in Moscow.
She doesn’t live in Moscow. — Она не живет в Москве.

4. He likes to get up early.
He doesn’t like to get up early. — Она не любит вставать рано.

5. He’s sometimes late.
He isn’t sometimes late./He is never late. — Он никогда не опаздывает.

6. She’s got two sisters.
She hasn’t got two sisters. — У него нет двух сестер.

7. That shop closes at nine.
That shop doesn’t close at nine. — Этот магазин не закрывается в девять.

8. Those shops are closed at eight.
Those shops aren’t closed at eight. — Эти магазины не закрываются в восемь.