
Упражнение на фразовые глаголы.

Замените выделенные глаголы соответствующими фразовыми глаголами (give up, look after, turn down, come round, put up with, look forward to, get over, get out, put off , keep on, get down).


1. You shouldn’t tolerate his rudeness. You should have told him he wasn’t right!
2. Continue training! Don’t stop.
3. She was offered the job with the BBC but she rejected their offer.
4. The meeting has been postponed.
5. When will you visit us again?
6. He has recovered from his illness, hasn’t he?
7. This awful weather is definitely depressing me.
8. I saw her leaving the car.
9. I’ll be waiting impatiently for your reply.
10. When she went on a business trip she asked her neighbour to take care of her two cats.

1. You shouldn’t put up with his rudeness. You should have told him he wasn’t right! – Тебе не следует мириться с его грубостью. Тебе следовало сказать, что он был не прав.

2. Keep on training! Don’t give up. – Продолжай тренироваться! Не сдавайся.

3. She was offered the job with the BBC but she turned down their offer. – Ей предложили работу на Би-Би-Си, но она отказалась от предложения.

4. The meeting has been put off. – Собрание отложено.

5. When will you come round us again? – Когда вы еще раз к нам зайдете?

6. He has got over from his illness, hasn’t he? – Он оправился от болезни, не так ли?

7. This awful weather is definitely getting me down. – Эта ужасная погода явно наводит на меня тоску.

8. I saw her getting out the car. – Я видел, как она выходит из машины.

9. I’ll be looking forward to your reply. – Я буду с нетерпением ждать твоего ответа.

10. When she went on a business trip she asked her neighbour to look after her two cats. – Когда она отправилась в командировку, она попросила соседку присмотреть за двумя кошками.