Упражнение на прошедшие времена

Выполните упражнение на отработку прошедших времен (past tenses) английского языка.

Поставьте глагол в правильное время.


1. The rain nearly (stop) when he (reach) his hotel.

2. He said that they (hunt) for 10 days.

3. I only (want) to know if you (come) on Saturday.

4. Then he (notice) Jack. He (stand) in front of the fire and (talk) Spanish to a young lady.

5. After we (have) lunch we (go) and (sit) out in the garden.

6. Hardly (he, reach) the door when he (encounter) 2 young men.

7. Tom (whitewash) the fence for some time when he (see) Jim coming out of the gate.

8. She (lie) on her bed when the telephone rang.

9. He always (tease) me at school!

10. When (you, join) the Army?

11. Ann! You are back! How did you like the country? How long (you, stay) there?

12. No sooner (he, ask) his question than she (answer) it.

13. She (fall) terribly sick last week.

14. I (be) there for a long time when I decided to leave the place.

15. While I (get) ready for my classes he (watch) TV.

16. I just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold.

17. I (finish) my work by afternoon and (sit) quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that (pass).

18. Hardly (we, leave) when our bicycle (break) down.

19. No sooner (I, complain) that I (not hear) from them for a long time than the letter (come).

20. Darkness (fall) when he finally (return) to the hotel. He (say) nothing to Jane except that he (turn) down the job.

21. Andrew (write) the label when the surgery bell (ring) and a short man (enter). A dog (follow) him.

22. Some two centuries ago when there (be) no trains, cars and buses people (travel) in carriages.

23. He (enter) the room. His boots (creak) and he (can) wake up little George. In his arms he (carry) a box of sweets. She (look) at her sleeping son who (smile) in his sleep.

24. They (complete) all the preparations for the party by 7 o’clock.

25. On leaving the hospital the man (thank) the doctor who (cure) him of his disease.

1. The rain had nearly stopped when he reached his hotel. – Дождь почти прекратился, когда он достиг своего отеля.

2. He said that they had been hunting for 10 days. – Он сказал, что охотился в течение 10 дней.

3. I only wanted to know if you would come (или were coming) on Saturday. – Я лишь хотел знать, придешь ли ты в субботу.

4. Then he noticed Jack. He was standing in front of the fire and talking Spanish to a young lady. – Затем он заметил Джека. Он стоял перед камином и разговаривал по испански с молодой женщиной.

5. After we had (или had had) lunch we went and sat out in the garden. – После того как мы пообедали, мы пошли и сели в саду.

6. Hardly he had reached the door when he encountered 2 young men. – Едва он достиг двери, как столкнулся с двумя молодыми мужчинами.

7. Tom had been whitewashing the fence for some time when he saw Jim coming out of the gate. – Том уже некоторое время белил забор, когда увидел Джима, выходящего из ворот.

8. She was lying on her bed when the telephone rang. – Она лежала на кровати, когда зазвонил телефон.

9. He was always teasing me at school! – Он всегда дразнил меня в школе!

10. When did you join the Army? – Когда вы пошли в армию?

11. Ann! You are back! How did you like the country? How long did you stay there? – Анна! Ты вернулась! Тебе понравилась деревня? Как долго ты там пробыла?

12. No sooner had he asked his question than she answered it. – Едва он задал вопрос, так она сразу ответила на него.

13. She fell terribly sick last week. – На прошлой неделе она чувствовала себя ужасно больной.

14. I had been there for a long time when I decided to leave the place. – Я пробыл там уже долгое время, когда решил покинуть это место.

15. While I was getting ready for my classes he was watching TV. – Пока я готовился к моим урокам, он смотрел телевизор.

16. I was just having breakfast when the telephone rang. When I came back to my coffee, it was cold. – Я как раз завтракал, когда зазвонил телефон. Когда я вернулся к кофе, он был уже холодным.

17. I had finished my work by afternoon and was sitting quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that had passed. Я завершил работу ко второй половине дня и тихо сидел в кресле, думая про минувшие дни.

18. Hardly had we left when our bicycle broke down. – Едва мы уехали, как наш велосипед сломался.

19. No sooner had I complained that I had not heard from them for a long time than the letter came. – Едва я посетовал на то, что не получаю от них вестей уже долгое время, как пришло письмо.

20. Darkness had fallen when he finally returned to the hotel. He said nothing to Jane except that he had turned down the job. – Наступила темнота, когда он наконец вернулся в гостиницу. Он ничего не сказал Джейн кроме того, что он отказался от работы.

21. Andrew was writing the label when the surgery bell rang and a short man entered. A dog was following him.

22. Some two centuries ago when there were no trains, cars and buses people travelled in carriages. – Какие-то два столетия назад, когда не было поездов, машин и автобусов, люди путешествовали в повозках.

23. He entered the room. His boots were creaking and he could wake up little George. In his arms he was carrying a box of sweets. She looked at her sleeping son who was smiling in his sleep. – Он вошел в комнату. Его сапоги скрипели и он мог разбудить маленького Джорджа. В руках он нес коробку сладостей. Он взглянула на спящего сына, который улыбался во сне.

24. They had completed all the preparations for the party by 7 o’clock. – Они завершили все приготовления к вечеринке к 7 часам.

25. On leaving the hospital the man thanked the doctor who had cured him of his disease. – Покидая больницу, мужчина поблагодарил врача, который вылечил его от болезни.