
Упражнение на страдательный залог .

Перефразируйте вопросы, употребляя пассивный залог.


1. When did they introduce her to Mr Smith?
2. Why didn’t they mend the roof in good time?
3. Who wrote the lyrics?
4. Have you sent for the doctor yet?
5. Had they already signed the contract when you arrived?
6. Why didn’t they lock the house?
7. Why haven’t they invited Jane to the party?
8. Who invented the radio?
9. Does the theatre interest you?
10. Are they still printing the documents?

1. When did they introduce her to Mr Smith?
When was she introduced to Mr Smith? – Когда ее представили мистеру Смиту?

2. Why didn’t they mend the roof in good time?
Why wasn’t the roof mended in good time? – Почему крыша н была отремонтирована в нужное время?

3. Who wrote the lyrics?
Who were the lyrics written by? – Кем были написаны слова?

4. Have you sent for the doctor yet?
Has the doctor been sent for yet? – За доктором уже послали?

5. Had they already signed the contract when you arrived?
Had the contract been already signed when you arrived? – Когда вы прибыли, контракт уже был подписан?

6. Why didn’t they lock the house?
Why wasn’t the house locked? – Почему дом не был закрыт на ключ?

7. Why haven’t they invited Jane to the party?
Why hasn’t Jane been invited to the party? – Почему Джейн не была приглашена на вечеринку?

8. Who invented the radio?
Who was the radio invented by? – Кем было изобретено радио?

9. Does the theatre interest you?
Are you interested in the theatre? – Ты интересуешься театром (дословно: ты заинтересован в театре?)

10. Are they still printing the documents?
Are the documents still being printed? – Документы все еще печатаются?