ОГЭ английский: упражнение 1 на тексты и вопросы

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1. What are different types of chopsticks in Asian countries?
2. Which chopsticks are great as a present?
3. What is the environment-friendly solution in Japan?
4. What is a scientific explanation of the creation of chopsticks?
5. Who is known as the inventor of throwaway chopsticks?
6. Which type of chopsticks was used for saving health and life?
7. When did the Chinese invent chopsticks?

A. Some researchers believe that the Chinese started to use chopsticks because there was not enough fuel in China. There was only a small amount of fuel available for cooking food. But the Chinese found the solution! They cut up the food into small pieces before cooking, so it would cook as quickly as possible and only use a very small amount of fuel. The small pieces of food were well suited for chopsticks.

B. ln 1878 the Japanese were the first to make disposable wooden chopsticks. A Japanese schoolteacher named Tadao Shimamoto had packed his lunch and brought it to school but had left behind his pair of chopsticks. Fortunately, his school was in an area of Japan famous for its wood. He explained his problem to one of the local men and he gave him a piece of wood from which Tadao made a pair of chopsticks. Tadao is known as the father of wari-bashi, disposable wooden chopsticks.

C. The Japanese made chopsticks from every kind of tree. They even started to put lacquer, a kind of shiny paint, on chopsticks about 400 years ago. The lacquered chopsticks of modern Japan have designs and are beautiful to look at. They are given as special gifts because they are not only beautiful, but durable. The layers of lacquer make them last forever. These chopsticks are made with between 75 and 120 separate layers of lacquer. They are harder than metal and can cost up to $125 a pair.

D. About one-half of disposable chopsticks are produced in Japan; the rest come from China, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines. Japan uses about 24 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks a year, which is a lot of wood. In fact, it is enough to build over 10,000 homes. Japan now is trying to eliminate them for environmental reasons. Today, increasing numbers of Japanese are trying to help the environment. They carry their own personal chopsticks to restaurants instead of using disposable ones.

E. People once believed silver chopsticks would tum black if they touched any poison. An emperor who was afraid of being poisoned made his servants test each of the dishes with silver chopsticks before he ate. The emperor himself would not use silver chopsticks to eat; he thought the metal in his mouth was unpleasant. Today we know that silver doesn’t react to poisons, but if bad eggs, onions, or garlic are used, the chemicals might change the color of silver chopsticks.

F. Chopsticks spread from China to Vietnam and Korea and eventually reached Japan by the year 500. Over 3,000 years and between different cultures, several variations of chopsticks developed. Chinese chopsticks are nine to ten inches long and round or square at the top end. The Vietnamese did not change the Chinese chopsticks, but the Koreans made their chopsticks a little thinner and then started to make them five inches long for females and eight inches long for males. But no matter what kind of chopsticks people use, chopsticks are here to stay.

A — 4
B — 5
C — 2
D — 3
E — 6
F — 1