Learning to Read Spanish, Lesson 3

In this lesson, following simple steps, you will learn to read Spanish letters Q, P, D, F, X, Y, Ñ, LL.

Q – like ‘k’ in “king” (always followed by ue or ui)

que, paquete, quinto

P – like ‘p’ in “pen”

poco, pronto, patata, apetito, piloto

D – like ‘d’ in “dog” at beginning of words or after ‘l’ and ‘n’

dormir, dolor, duma, caldo, mondo

D – softer between vowels, like ‘th’ in “this”

cada, moneda, nada, nublado

F – like ‘f’ in “fish”

forma, famoso, fuente

X – like ‘ks’ in “books”

exacto, taxista, texto

Y – like ‘y’ in “yes”

ya, yo, playa, mayo

Ñ – like “ny” in English word “canyon”

España, niño, mañana, señor, año

LL – like the “y” in “yes” or “yellow”

llamar, llegar, calle, pollo