Learning to Read Spanish, Lesson 2

In this lesson, following simple steps, you will learn to read Spanish letters G, C, Z, CH, K.

G – like ‘g’ in “go” or ‘h’ in “hot”

guru, agro, agente, gitro

C – like ‘k’ in “king” before a, o, u

cala, cono, curta

C – like ‘th’ in “think” (in Spain) or ‘s’ in “sun” (in Latin America) before e, i

cine, cocina, cena

Z – like ‘th’ in “think” (in Spain) or ‘s’ in “sun” (in Latin America)

taza, truzo, buza, zuma

CH – like ‘ch’ in “church”

chico, mucho, noche

K – like ‘k’ in “king”

kilo, koala