Practice reading and memorize the following words and expressions:
la camarade – friend, companion
la place – place; square
la table – table
la gare – railway station
la salle – hall, classroom
la parade – parade
la cravate – tie
Marthe – Martha (female name)
Agathe – Agatha (female name)
Marc – Mark (male name)
Marthe part. – Martha is leaving.
Agathe parle. – Agatha is speaking.
Marc va. – Mark is going.
Pars! – Leave!
Va! – Go!
Parle! – Speak!
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French nouns can be masculine or feminine gender, singular or plural number. Words used with nouns (pronouns, articles, adjectives) also have masculine and feminine gender, singular and plural forms. Here are the possessive adjectives in feminine singular form:
ma table – my table
ta place – your place
sa camarade – her friend
à is a preposition that indicates the direction of an action or movement.
Marc va à sa place. – Marc goes / is going to his place.
Marc, va à ta place! – Marc, go to your seat (place)!
In French, there are articles which are function words used before nouns and are not translated. Articles can be definite or indefinite, masculine or feminine, singular or plural.
la is the definite article for feminine singular nouns.
la carte – map
la place – place
Articles are not used:
– before proper names
– before city names
– when a possessive adjective precedes the noun
Marc – Marc
Paris – Paris
ma carte – my map
Listen and read the French sentences.
Marthe part. – Martha leaves.
Marthe va à la gare. – Martha goes to the station.
Agathe parle à sa camarade Marthe. – Agatha talks to her friend Martha.
Pars, Marthe! Va à la gare! – Leave, Martha! Go to the station!
Marc, va à la salle! – Mark, go to the room!
Marthe, va à la table! – Martha, go to the table!
Marthe, va à ta place! – Martha, go to your place!
Marc, parle à Agathe! – Mark, talk to Agatha!
Agathe, parle à ta camarade! – Agatha, talk to your friend!
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