
Упражнение на английские наречия.

Перефразируйте, используя словосочетание as … as и сохраняя смысл высказывания.

He drives better than his wife. — His wife doesn’t drive as well as him.


1. I read less than he does.
2. He smokes more than I do.
3. I feel less tired today than yesterday.
4. He knows the subject better than I do.
5. The other students work harder than you do.
6. Her sister plays the piano better than she does.

1. I read less than he does. – I don’t read as much as he does. – Я читаю не так много, как он.

2. He smokes more than I do. – I don’t smoke as much as he does. – Я курю не так много, как он.

3. I feel less tired today than yesterday. – I don’t feel as tired today as yesterday. – Вчера я не чувствовал себя таким уставшим, как он.

4. He knows the subject better than I do. – I don’t know the subject as well as he does. – Я знаю предмет не так хорошо, как он.

5. The other students work harder than you do. – You don’t work as hard as the other students. – Ты работаешь не так усердно, как другие.

6. Her sister plays the piano better than she does. – She doesn’t play the piano as well as her sister. – Он играет на пианино не так хорошо, как его сестра.