
Упражнение на испoльзование прилагательных.

Закончите предложения, выбрав правильное прилагательное в скобках.


1. I find this information (interested/interesting).
2. He was (surprised/surprising) to know that he had been put in charge of the team.
3. Why does he always look so (bored/boring)? Is the job he is doing really so (bored/boring)?
4. The audience was (fascinated/fascinating) by her voice.
5. I’m very (excited/exciting) about my holiday.
6. It’s been raining the whole day. I hate this (depressed/depressing) weather. It makes me (depressed/depressing).
7. Your journey must have been (exhausted/exhausting). You look (exhausted/exhausting).
8. The results were rather (disappointed/disappointing). Everyone was (disappointed/disappointing) with them.
9. Are you (interested/interesting) in art?

1. I find this information interesting. — Я нахожу эту информацию интересной.

2. He was surprised to know that he had been put in charge of the team. — Он с удивлением узнал, что его назначили ответственным за команду.

3. Why does he always look so bored? Is the job he is doing really so boring? — Почему он выглядит всегда таким скучающим? Неужели работа, которую он делает, такая скучная?

4. The audience was fascinated by her voice. — Аудитория была очарована ее голосом.

5. I’m very excited about my holiday. — Я очень рад моему отпуску.

6. It’s been raining the whole day. I hate this depressing weather. It makes me depressed. — Весь день идет дождь. Мне не нравится эта гнетущая погода.

7. Your journey must have been exhausting. You look exhausted. — Ваша поездка, должно быть, утомительна. Вы выглядите очень изможденным.

8. The results were rather disappointing. Everyone was disappointed with them. — Результаты были весьма разочаровывающими. Все были разочарованы ими.

9. Are you interested in art? — Вы интересуетесь искусством?