
Упражнение на предлоги at, on, in.

Вставьте верный предлог: at, on, in.


1. I have my gym class ___ Wednesdays.

2. I started work this morning ___ 8 am.

3. Are you going away ___ Easter?

4. Moira’s birthday is ___ September 24th.

5. We’re flying to Beijing ___ June 2nd.

6. Please visit me ___ Sunday.

7. My flight is ___ Monday.

8. There are lots of managers ___ my company.

9. Mary went on holiday ___ Monday.

10. His office is ___ the top of the stairs.

1. I have my gym class on Wednesdays. – У меня тренировки в спортзале по средам.

2. I started work this morning at 8 am. – Я начал работу сегодня утром в 8 часов.

3. Are you going away at Easter? – Ты уезжаешь на пасху?

4. Moira’s birthday is on September 24th. – День рождение Мойры 24-го сентября.

5. We’re flying to Beijing on June 2nd. – Мы летим в Пекин 2-го июня.

6. Please visit me on Sunday. – Пожалуйста, приходи ко мне в воскресенье.

7. My flight is on Monday. – Мой рейс в понедельник.

8. There are lots of managers in my company. – В моей компании много управляющих.

9. Mary went on holiday on Monday. – Мэри отправилась на отдых в понедельник.

10. His office is at the top of the stairs. – Его офис вверху лестничной клетки.