
Выполните упражнение на постановку английских артиклей.

Если необходимо, поставьте артикль a/an, the.


1. ___ money which he gave my father was coming to ___ end.

2. I know there is a man like you here and I’ll have ___ eye on you ___ day and night.

3. ___ English people are forever complaining about the weather, but in fact ___ British Isles have a reasonable climate on the whole.

4. We always stay at the Palace Court Hotel because it is ___ only one with ___ facilities for ___ disabled.

5. ___ Swiss Alps are a good place to go if you like skiing. There is usually plenty of ___ snow during the winter months.

6. The grasshopper had nothing to eat and an ant lived near him. He went to ___ ant and begged her for ___ little corn.

7. A few years ago ___ crew of ___ Japanese fishing boat were rescued from ___ wreckage of their boat in the sea of Japan.

8. ___ Koran is ___ holy book of ___ Islam.

9. ___ rich get richer and ___ poor get poorer.

10. He was ___ extremely boring fellow.

1. The money which he gave my father was coming to an end. – Деньги, которые он дал моему отцу, подходили к концу.

2. I know there is a man like you here and I’ll have an eye on you (-) day and night. – Я знаю, что здесь есть человек вроде тебя, и я день и ночь наблюдаю за тобой.

3. (-) English people are forever complaining about the weather, but in fact the British Isles have a reasonable climate on the whole. – Англичане вечно жалуются на погоду, но на самом деле Британские острова имеют, в общем и целом, умеренный климат.

4. We always stay at the Palace Court Hotel because it is the only one with the facilities for the disabled. – Мы всегда останавливаемся в отеле Palace Court, потому что он единственный со приспособлениями для инвалидов.

5. The Swiss Alps are a good place to go if you like skiing. There is usually plenty of (-) snow during the winter months. – Швейцарские Альпы – это хорошее место для поездки, если вам нравится катание на лыжах. Обычно в зимние месяца там много снега.

6. The grasshopper had nothing to eat and an ant lived near him. He went to the ant and begged her for a little corn. – (Однажды) у кузнечика ничего не было поесть, а рядом жил муравей. Он (кузнечик) пошел к муравью и попросил маленькое зернышко.

7. A few years ago the crew of a Japanese fishing boat were rescued from the wreckage of their boat in the sea of Japan. – Несколько лет назад команда одного японского рыболовецкого корабля была эвакуирована (дословно: спасена) с обломков своего корабля в Японском море.

8. The Koran is the holy book of (-) Islam. – Коран – это священная исламская книга.

9. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. – Богатые становятся богаче, а бедные становятся беднее.

10. He was an extremely boring fellow. – Он был чрезвычайно скучным парнем.