
Упражнение на множественное число существительных.

Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единственном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении:


1. Women and children came to the shore.
2. The keys to the boxes were lost.
3. The wolves have been shot.
4. The mice were caught.
5. These factories produce furniture.
6. Copies of these letters will be sent to London.
7. The champions got the prizes.
8. The shoolboys went to the classes.

1. Women and children came to the shore. – A woman and a child came on the shore. – Женщина и ребенок сошли на берег.

2. The keys to the boxes were lost. – The key to the box was lost. – Ключ к ящику был потерян.

3. The wolves have been shot. – The wolf has been shot. – Волк был застрелен.

4. The mice were caught. – The mouse was caught. – Мышь была поймана.

5. These factories produce furniture. – This factory produces furniture. – Эта фабрика производит много мебели.

6. Copies of these letters will be sent to London. – A copy of this letter will be sent to London. – Копия этого письма будет отправлены в Лондон.

7. The champions got the prizes. – The champion got the prize. – Чемпион получил приз.

8. The shoolboys went to the classes. – The schoolboy went to the class. – Мальчик пошел на урок.