
Упражнение на множественное число существительных.

Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении:


1. Put the box on the shelf.
2. I have hurt my foot and hand.
3. This is an English dictionary.
4. Where is the knife?
5. The last leaf fell from the tree.
6. This story is very long.
7. He left the key on the table.
8. I like his new play.
9. The roof of the house was covered with snow.
10. The wife of the sailor came to the shore.
11. A copy of the contract was sent to St.Petersburg.

1. Put the box on the shelf. – Put the boxes on the shelves. – Положи коробки на полки.

2. I have hurt my foot and hand. – I have hurt my feet and hands. – Я поранил свои ноги и руки.

3. This is an English dictionary. – These are English dictionaries. – Это английские словари.

4. Where is the knife? – Where are the knives? – Где ножи?

5. The last leaf fell from the tree. – The last leaves fell from the trees. – Последние листья опали с деревьев.

6. This story is very long. – These stories are very long. – Эти истории очень длинные.

7. He left the key on the table. – He left the keys on the table. – Он оставил ключи на столе.

8. I like his new play. – I like his new plays. – Мне нравятся его новые пьесы.

9. The roof of the house was covered with snow. – The roofs of the houses were covered with snow. – Крыши домов были покрыты снегом.

10. The wife of the sailor came to the shore. – The wives of the sailors stood on the shore. – Жены моряков стояли на берегу.

11. A copy of the contract was sent to St.Petersburg. – Copies of the contract were sent to Moscow. – Копии договора были отправлены в Москву.