Тест 2 по английскому, уровень Intermediate

Комплексный лексико-грамматический тест 2 для среднего и средне-продвинутого уровня английского языка. Задания с ответами.

Задание 1


Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A young writer has just managed to publish his first book. He is very proud of his success and is boasting of it to everybody around. For more than half an hour he has been talking about his success to one of his friends who is also a writer. At last he thinks that his friend is not very much interested and apologizes saying «I am sorry to have taken so much of your time, it is so selfish of me.» — «Never mind,» answered his friend absent-mindedly. «You haven’t taken my time at all. I’ve been thinking over the plot of my new novel.»


1. Was the young writer modest?
2. Why wasn’t his friend annoyed?

Вопрос 1: Was the young writer modest?
Ответ: No, he wasn’t.

Вопрос 1: Why wasn’t his friend annoyed?
Ответ: He wasn’t annoyed because he was not listening to him. (He didn’t waste his time.)

Задание 2


Поставьте вопросы к выделенному члену предложения.

The writer is proud of his success and is boasting of it to everybody around.

The writer is proud of his success and is boasting of it to everybody around.

Вопрос: What is the writer boasting of?

Задание 3


Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

In summer I (1 — go) to Brighton. When I (2 — arrive) there it (3 — be) late afternoon. After dinner I (4 — put) on my raincoat and (5 — go) out for a walk. It (6 — be) a nasty day, the sky (7 — cover) with clouds, and it (8 — rain) a little. As I (9 — move) slowly along the quiet empty street, I (10 — see) a stranger. He first (11 — pass) me by but then (12 — stop). «(13 — be) that you, Peter?» he (14 — cry) out. It (15 — be) Jones.» I (16 — not see) you for ages,» he (17 — say). — «Why, what you (18 — do) here?» I (19 — ask). «Why you (20 — not go) home?» — «I cannot,» he (21 — answer). «I (22 — forget) the name of the hotel where my wife and I (23 — stay).» — «If you (24 — ring) up the hotels, you (25 — find) out where you (26 — stay),» I smiled. He said that he (27 — have) no money. And he (28 — explain) that they (29 — get) to Brighton at II o’clock. They (30 — leave) their things at the station and (31 — go) to a hotel. He (32 — change) his clothes and (33 — decide) to go for a walk. The sun (34 — shine) brightly and there (35 — be) nothing in the forecast about rain. I suggested that we (36 — go) to my hotel. While Jones (37 — take) a shower I (38- think) the situation over. Then we (39 — begin) telephoning all the hotels in Brighton. We (40 — do) it so well that next afternoon Jones (41 — find) both his hotel and his wife.

In summer I went to Brighton. When I arrived there it was late afternoon. After dinner I put on my raincoat and went out for a walk. It was a nasty day, the sky was covered with clouds, and it was raining a little. As I was moving slowly along the quiet empty street, I saw a stranger. He first passed me by but then stopped. «is that you, Peter?» he cried out. It was Jones.» I have not seen you for ages,» he said. — «Why, what you are doing here?» I asked. «Why do you not go home?» — «I cannot,» he answered. «I have forgotten the name of the hotel where my wife and I stay / are staying.» — «If you ring up the hotels, you will find out where you stay / are staying,» I smiled. He said that he had no money. And he explained that they got to Brighton at II o’clock. They left their things at the station and went to a hotel. He changed his clothes and decided to go for a walk. The sun was shining brightly and there was nothing in the forecast about rain. I suggested that we should go to my hotel. While Jones was taking a shower I thought / was thinking the situation over. Then we began telephoning all the hotels in Brighton. We did it so well that next afternoon Jones found both his hotel and his wife.

Задание 4


Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I … since breakfast and I’m very tired.
a) travel, b) am travelling, c) was travelling. d) have been travelling.

2. He came to the party … he hadn’t been invited.
a) although, b) in case, c) even, d) in spite.

3. We have … for a new secretary but we haven’t had any replies yet.
a) announced, b) advertised, c) advised, d) noticed.

4. Ted is good at football but Rick is … .
a) good, b) well, c) better, d) best.

5. … «Romeo and Juliet?» — Not yet.
a) Did you see, b) Do you see, c) Have you seen, d) Had you seen.

6. He makes me ….
a) laugh, b) to laugh, c) laughing, d) have laughed.

7. He had an accident yesterday and was taken to … hospital.
a) the, b) — , c) a, d) an.

8. It’s crowded in here. There’s … to sit down.
a) hardly, b) hardly any, c) hardly anything, d) hardly anywhere.

9. Next June my cousin … from high school.
a) graduate, b) graduated, c) will graduate, d) has graduated.

10. The Earth … round the Sun.
a) goes, b) was going, c) will go, d) has gone.

11. Are you interested … working for him?
a) at, b) in, c) with, d) of.

12. He is reported … 400 dollars.
a) to steal, b) to have stolen, e) to be stealing, d) to have been stolen.

13. Put … sugar into your tea.
a) some, b) any, e) none, d) not any.

14. I … my book on the desk a few minutes ago.
a) lay, b) have lain, c) laid, d) have laid.

15. There’s nothing left for him but escape, … ?
a) is it, b) isn’t, c) is there, d) isn’t there.

16. The news … so shocking.
a) are, b) was, c) have been, d) were.

17. … the dinner by the time Peter came?
a) Have you cooked, b) Did you cook, c) Do you cook, d) Had you cooked.

18. She … when I came.
a) works, b) work, c) was working, d) has worked.

19. You … work hard at your French if you want to pass the exam.
a) can, b) may, c) must, d) might.

20. Do you like … milk with your tea?
a) few, b) some, c) many, d) a few.

1. I … since breakfast and I’m very tired.
a) travel, b) am travelling, c) was travelling. d) have been travelling.

2. He came to the party … he hadn’t been invited.
a) although, b) in case, c) even, d) in spite.

3. We have … for a new secretary but we haven’t had any replies yet.
a) announced, b) advertised, c) advised, d) noticed.

4. Ted is good at football but Rick is … .
a) good, b) well, c) better, d) best.

5. … «Romeo and Juliet?» — Not yet.
a) Did you see, b) Do you see, c) Have you seen, d) Had you seen.

6. He makes me ….
a) laugh, b) to laugh, c) laughing, d) have laughed.

7. He had an accident yesterday and was taken to … hospital.
a) the, b) — , c) a, d) an.

8. It’s crowded in here. There’s … to sit down.
a) hardly, b) hardly any, c) hardly anything, d) hardly anywhere.

9. Next June my cousin … from high school.
a) graduate, b) graduated, c) will graduate, d) has graduated.

10. The Earth … round the Sun.
a) goes, b) was going, c) will go, d) has gone.

11. Are you interested … working for him?
a) at, b) in, c) with, d) of.

12. He is reported … 400 dollars.
a) to steal, b) to have stolen, e) to be stealing, d) to have been stolen.

13. Put … sugar into your tea.
a) some, b) any, e) none, d) not any.

14. I … my book on the desk a few minutes ago.
a) lay, b) have lain, c) laid, d) have laid.

15. There’s nothing left for him but escape, … ?
a) is it, b) isn’t, c) is there, d) isn’t there.

16. The news … so shocking.
a) are, b) was, c) have been, d) were.

17. … the dinner by the time Peter came?
a) Have you cooked, b) Did you cook, c) Do you cook, d) Had you cooked.

18. She … when I came.
a) works, b) work, c) was working, d) has worked.

19. You … work hard at your French if you want to pass the exam.
a) can, b) may, c) must, d) might.

20. Do you like … milk with your tea?
a) few, b) some, c) many, d) a few.

Задание 5


Переведите на английский язык.

1. Когда вы закончили школу?
2. Если она придет, я тебе позвоню.
3. Они должны вернуться в понедельник.
4. Он увлекается плаванием.
5. Когда мы пришли, фильм уже начался.

1. Когда вы закончили школу?
When did he finish school?

2. Если она придет, я тебе позвоню.
If she comes I’ll ring you up (call you).

3. Они должны вернуться в понедельник.
They are to return (come back) on Monday.

4. Он увлекается плаванием.
He is fond of swimming.

5. Когда мы пришли, фильм уже начался.
When we came the film had already begun.