Упражнение 31 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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( HIDE ) cameras in the Congolese jungle have captured chimpanzees using ‘tool kits’ in the form of sticks to break into a termite mound so that they can eat the termites inside it.

This is believed to be the most sophisticated ( CULTURE ) activity ever recorded in great apes.

The film is thought to be the first ( DEMONSTRATE ) that chimps can copy each other to carry out complex tasks involving the use of tools.

It is possibly the most ( IMPRESS ) example of a growing body of evidence concerning the use of tools.

It supports the idea that chimpanzees are one of the few species other than humans to conform to ( SOCIETY ) traditions passed between members of a group.

Research on chimps, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos shows that all four great ape species, have patterns of ( BEHAVE ) known as culture in humans.


Hidden cameras in the Congolese jungle have captured chimpanzees using ‘tool kits’ in the form of sticks to break into a termite mound so that they can eat the termites inside it.

This is believed to be the most sophisticated cultural activity ever recorded in great apes.

The film is thought to be the first demonstration that chimps can copy each other to carry out complex tasks involving the use of tools.

It is possibly the most impressive example of a growing body of evidence concerning the use of tools.

It supports the idea that chimpanzees are one of the few species other than humans to conform to social traditions passed between members of a group.

Research on chimps, gorillas, orang-utans and bonobos shows that all four great ape species, have patterns of behaviour known as culture in humans.