Английское произношение окончание ing.

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>> Окончание -ing произносится как *-in’ <<

Нажмите на кнопку вверху и прослушайте диалог, в котором фразы произносятся сначала в медленном и отчетливом темпе, а затем в естественном. Обращайте внимание на произношение окончания -ing.

Nancy: Well, hi! You’re shopping here, too! Nancy: Well, hi! *Yer *shoppin’ here, too!
Kim: Not really. I’m just looking around. So, how have you been? Kim: Not really. I’m just *lookin’ around. So, how have *ya been?
Nancy: Great. I’m shopping with my sister. She’s over there. Nancy: Great. I’m *shoppin’ with my sister. She’s over there.
Kim: Is that your sister? The tall woman in front of the jackets? Kim: Is that *yer sister? The tall woman in front *a the jackets?
Nancy: Yes. She’s looking for a jacket for work. Nancy: Yes. She’s *lookin’ *fer a jacket *fer work.
Kim: Are you shopping for work clothes, too? Kim: Are *ya *shoppin’ *fer work clothes, too?
Nancy: No. I’m looking for a pair of jeans like yours. Nancy: No. I’m *lookin’ *fer a pair *a jeans like *yers.
Kim: Oh. I found these here last week for 30 percent off. Kim: Oh. I found these here last week *fer 30 percent off.
Nancy: For 30 percent off? Thanks for telling me. Nancy: *Fer 30 percent off? Thanks *fer *tellin’ me.
Kim: Well, nice seeing you again. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Kim: Well, nice *seein’ *ya again. I hope *ya find what *yer *lookin’ for.

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