Английское произношение слова or.

Play произношение or

>> Слово or произносится как *er <<

Нажмите на кнопку вверху и прослушайте диалог, в котором фразы произносятся сначала в медленном и отчетливом темпе, а затем в естественном. Обращайте внимание на произношение слов or.

David: So, do you want to have your birthday party at the park or a restaurant? David: So, do *ya *wanna have *yer birthday party at the park *er a restaurant?
Jamie: Both. Jamie: Both.
David: Honey, you can’t have both. The park or a restaurant? David: Honey, *ya *kant have both. The park *er a restaurant?
Jamie: I want to go to … the park. Jamie: I *wanna go *da … the park.
David: Okay. Do you want a chocolate or a lemon birthday cake? David: Okay Do *ya want a chocolate *er a lemon birthday cake?
Jamie: Uh. . . both. Jamie: Uh . . . both.
David: Honey, you have to make a choice—chocolate or lemon? David: Honey, *ya *hafta make a choice—chocolate *er lemon?
Jamie: Chocolate. Jamie: Chocolate.
David: Good. And which toy do you want to bring—the truck or the airplane? David: Good. *’N’ which toy do *ya * wanna bring—the truck *er the airplane?
Jamie: I don’t want to bring the truck or the airplane. I want to get a new toy. Jamie: I don’t *wanna bring the truck or the airplane. I *wanna *git a new toy.

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