Упражнение 5 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 5 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. She has (cut) the cake.
2. The soap bubble has (burst).
3. This mistake has (cost) them their work.
4. They have (lean) on your advice.
5. They have (sink) the ships in the harbor.
6. Have you (get) money for your work?
7. Have they (be) to Smolensk?
8. Why have you always (think) him of little account? —
9. Have they (do) the room?
10. He has shake) off a bad habit.
11. The teacher has (forgive) him for being late.
12. Talking in class is (forbid).
13. The Coke has (spill) onto the desk.
14. We can’t use this car because it is (break).
15. The army has (deal) with an attack of the enemy.

1. She has cut the cake. — Она порезала торт.
2. The soap bubble has burst. — Мыльный пузырь лопнул.
3. This mistake has cost them their work. — Эта ошибка стоила им их работы.
4. They have leant (можно leaned) on your advice. — Они опираются на ваши советы.
5. They have sunk the ships in the harbor. — Они потопили корабли в порту.
6. Have you got money for your work? — Вы достали деньги для вашей работы?
7. Have they been to Smolensk? — Вы были в Смоленске?
8. Why have you always thought him of little account? — Почему вы его не цените?
9. Have they done the room? — Они прибрали комнату?
10. He has shaken off a bad habit. — Он избавился от дурной привычки.
11. The teacher has forgiven him for being late. — Учитель простил его за опоздание.
12. Talking in class is forbidden. — Разговоры в классе запрещены.
13. The Coke has spilt (можно spilled) onto the desk. — Кола пролилась на стол.
14. We can’t use this car because it is broken. — Мы не можем воспользоваться этой машиной, потому что она сломана.
15. The army has dealt with an attack of the enemy. — Армия столкнулась с атакой врага.