Упражнение 9 на написание личного письма


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Paul who writes:

…In yesterday’s magazine I saw a picture of St. Basil’s Cathedral. It struck me greatly. Are you interested in architecture? Are there any other beautiful cathedrals in the place where you live? Is it important to build new cathedrals?..
…We decided to make a swimming pool…

Write a letter to Paul.

In your letter:
• answer his questions
• ask 3 questions about his new swimming pool

Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your letter! It’s great to hear from you again.

To answer your questions, I am quite interested in architecture, especially historical buildings. In my city, we have several beautiful cathedrals, including the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, which is famous for its golden domes. As for building new cathedrals, I think it’s important to preserve our architectural heritage, but new cathedrals can also be valuable if they serve the community and reflect modern architectural styles.

It’s exciting that you’re making a swimming pool! I’d love to know more about it. Will it be an indoor or outdoor pool? How big is it going to be? Do you plan to use it just for fun or also for exercise?

Looking forward to hearing about your new pool project!

Best wishes,
[Your Name]