Слушать английский : Travel

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It is fun to take a trip to a faraway place.
My brother just went to Italy and France.
He got on a plane at Toronto Airport.
He took a flight to France.
He stayed there for a couple of days.
He visited the Eiffel Tower.
He was in Paris.
He said that he enjoyed the food in France.
He then traveled to Italy.
He saw many towns and villages in Italy.
He went to Rome and visited many of the tourist attractions.
In Venice, he saw the canals.
He tried to speak Italian, but he is not too good at it.
He said that the people were very helpful.
They tried to understand him.
He bought souvenirs for us when he was in Italy.
He ate Italian food.
He said that pizza in Italy is quite different from the pizza we eat here in Canada.
He saw many streets that were made of cobblestones.
He saw many old buildings.
A lot of people in Italy travel around on scooters.
He stayed at a very nice hotel in Italy.
He was sorry when it was time to come home.
My brother likes to travel.
He likes to fly in airplanes.
The airlines lost his luggage once.
He was not too pleased about that.
Next year, he would like to travel to England.

Travel – Путешествие

It is fun to take a trip to a faraway place. – Здорово совершить поездку в какое-нибудь отдаленное место.
My brother just went to Italy and France. – Мой брат только что уехал в Италию и Францию.
He got on a plane at Toronto Airport. – Он сел на самолет в аэропорту Торонто.
He took a flight to France. – Он совершил полет во Францию.
He stayed there for a couple of days. – Он находился там пару дней.
He visited the Eiffel Tower. – Он посетил Эйфелеву башню.
He was in Paris. – Он был в Париже.
He said that he enjoyed the food in France. – Он сказал, что ему понравилась еда во Франции.
He then traveled to Italy. – Потом он поехал в Италию.
He saw many towns and villages in Italy. – В Италии он видел много городов и деревень.
He went to Rome and visited many of the tourist attractions. – Он отправился в Рим и посетил много туристических достопримечательностей.
In Venice, he saw the canals. – В Венеции он видел каналы.
He tried to speak Italian, but he is not too good at it. – Он пытался говорить по-итальянски, он он не очень хорошо его знает.
He said that the people were very helpful. – Он сказал, что были готовы оказать помощь.
They tried to understand him. – Они пытались понять его.
He bought souvenirs for us when he was in Italy. – Он купил сувениры для нас, когда он был в Италии.
He ate Italian food. – Он ел итальянскую пищу.
He said that pizza in Italy is quite different from the pizza we eat here in Canada. – Он сказал, что пицца в Италии отличается от той пиццы, которую мы едим здесь в Канаде.
He saw many streets that were made of cobblestones. – Он видел много улиц, который были сделаны из булыжников.
He saw many old buildings. – Он видел много старых зданий.
A lot of people in Italy travel around on scooters. – Много людей в Италии передвигаются на скутерах.
He stayed at a very nice hotel in Italy. – Он жил в очень хорошем отеле в Италии.
He was sorry when it was time to come home. – Ему было грустно возвращаться домой.
My brother likes to travel. – Мой брат любит путешествовать.
He likes to fly in airplanes. – Он любит летать на самолетах.
The airlines lost his luggage once. – Авиакомпании однажды теряли его багаж.
He was not too pleased about that. – Ему это не очень понравилось.
Next year, he would like to travel to England. – В следующем году ему бы хотелось отправиться в Англию.