ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 20 на лексику

Упражнение 20 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Washington D. C. is __FAME__ for its National Mall which includes eleven museums and galleries which belong to the Smithsonian Institution.

The Smithsonian Institution is named after British scientist James Smithson. He left his wealth to his nephew Henry Hungerford; however, when Hungerford died __CHILD__ in 1835 he left everything to the United States of America.

Five other Smithsonian museums and the __NATION__ Zoo are also located in Washington.

The National Air and Space Museum holds the largest __COLLECT__ of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world.

It was established in 1946, as the National Air Museum and opened its main __BUILD__ in 1976.

The museum is __WIDE__ famous among American children and every American boy dreams of going there.

Washington D. C. is FAMOUS for its National Mall which includes eleven museums and galleries which belong to the Smithsonian Institution.

The Smithsonian Institution is named after British scientist James Smithson. He left his wealth to his nephew Henry Hungerford; however, when Hungerford died CHILDLESS in 1835 he left everything to the United States of America.

Five other Smithsonian museums and the NATIONAL Zoo are also located in Washington.

The National Air and Space Museum holds the largest COLLECTION of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world.

It was established in 1946, as the National Air Museum and opened its main BUILDING in 1976.

The museum is WIDELY famous among American children and every American boy dreams of going there.