ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 38 на грамматику

Упражнение 38 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Saxophonist Kenny G is now the world’s __SUCCESSFUL__ jazz musician. He was bom in 1956 as Kenny Gorelick in Seattle, USA, and he learned to play the saxophone at an early age. When he was just fifteen years old, he __TOUR__ Europe with his High School band for a month. After __STUDY__ at Washington University he started his career as a musician. In 1982 he sighed for Arista records and his first solo album __MAKE__. Success came slowly at first, but by the 1990s Kenny __BECOME__ well-known on the international music scene. He released Breathless, his most popular album so far in 1993, and in 1994 won the Best Artist award at the 21s* American Music Awards held in Los Angeles. As well as making records, he also found time to play in front of another famous saxophone player – US President Bill Clinton – At the ’Gala for The President’ concert in Washington, and to break the world record for playing a single note (45 minutes and 47 seconds) at the J&R music World Store in New York in 1997.

During the last 20 years, Kenny __PLAY__ with superstars like Aretha Franklin, Michael Bolton and Whitney Houston and he has sold more than 36 million albums worldwide, in spite of the fact that he hasn’t sung a note! And it’s not his limit. Nobody __KNOW__ what will be in future.

Saxophonist Kenny G is now the world’s MOST SUCCESSFUL jazz musician. He was bom in 1956 as Kenny Gorelick in Seattle, USA, and he learned to play the saxophone at an early age. When he was just fifteen years old, he WAS TOURING Europe with his High School band for a month. After STUDYING at Washington University he started his career as a musician. In 1982 he sighed for Arista records and his first solo album WAS MADE. Success came slowly at first, but by the 1990s Kenny HAD BECOME well-known on the international music scene. He released Breathless, his most popular album so far in 1993, and in 1994 won the Best Artist award at the 21s* American Music Awards held in Los Angeles. As well as making records, he also found time to play in front of another famous saxophone player – US President Bill Clinton – At the ’Gala for The President’ concert in Washington, and to break the world record for playing a single note (45 minutes and 47 seconds) at the J&R music World Store in New York in 1997.

During the last 20 years, Kenny HAS PLAYED with superstars like Aretha Franklin, Michael Bolton and Whitney Houston and he has sold more than 36 million albums worldwide, in spite of the fact that he hasn’t sung a note! And it’s not his limit. Nobody KNOWS what will be in future.