Машина по-английски : Упражнение 8

На этой странице находится восьмое упражнение по теме МАШИНА ПО-АНГЛИЙСКИ.

Вставьте следующие фразы в предложения:

pick you up, drop you off, give you a lift


1. I’ve got a meeting this morning. I need to get the seven o’clock train. – That’s a bit early. I’ll _______ to the station if you like.
2. I’m not sure what time I’ll be back this evening. I said I’d see Tony after work. – Well, give me a call when you get to the station. I’ll come and _______ .
3. I’m a bit late this morning. I think I’d better call a taxi. – No, you don’t need to do that. I’ll _______ at the station on my way to work.

1. I’ve got a meeting this morning. I need to get the seven o’clock train. – That’s a bit early. I’ll give you a lift to the station if you like.
2. I’m not sure what time I’ll be back this evening. I said I’d see Tony after work. – Well, give me a call when you get to the station. I’ll come and pick you up.
3. I’m a bit late this morning. I think I’d better call a taxi. – No, you don’t need to do that. I’ll drop you off at the station on my way to work.

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