Упражнение 18 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Days with Uncle Flynn

Uncle Flynn was married to Mum’s sister — Aunty Flo. ( ORIGIN ) their names were Terry and Florence but for some forgotten reason everyone called them Flynn and Flo. They insisted that I too call them Flynn and Flo — not Uncle and Aunt.

( HONEST ) my earliest memories of Flynn were not happy ones. He always seemed cranky and bad tempered. He would often sit in the dining room or lounge staring out of the window or reading the paper.

He hated idle conversation and was most difficult when there were lots of ( VISIT ) in our house. He did not find socialising easy. He seemed awkward and embarrassed.

It was ( CERTAIN ) better when just Flynn and Flo came to visit but best of all when Flynn, would arrive on his own, and take me to the park. These were special days for me: Amongst the happiest of my childhood.

Being in the park with Flynn was simply wonderful. He ran around with me as if he too were a child. We kicked a ball around, or played some energetic game or other. But ( OCCASION ) we’d also relax and he’d tell me amazing stories that he made up himself.

Crowds were the problem for Flynn. In a full room he would always argue, ( AGREE ) and generally be poor company. But in a small group — two or three people – he could charm the birds from the trees.

Days with Uncle Flynn

Uncle Flynn was married to Mum’s sister — Aunty Flo. ORIGINALLY their names were Terry and Florence but for some forgotten reason everyone called them Flynn and Flo. They insisted that I too call them Flynn and Flo — not Uncle and Aunt.

HONESTLY my earliest memories of Flynn were not happy ones. He always seemed cranky and bad tempered. He would often sit in the dining room or lounge staring out of the window or reading the paper.

He hated idle conversation and was most difficult when there were lots of VISITORS in our house. He did not find socialising easy. He seemed awkward and embarrassed.

It was CERTAINLY better when just Flynn and Flo came to visit but best of all when Flynn, would arrive on his own, and take me to the park. These were special days for me: Amongst the happiest of my childhood.

Being in the park with Flynn was simply wonderful. He ran around with me as if he too were a child. We kicked a ball around, or played some energetic game or other. But OCCASIONALLY we’d also relax and he’d tell me amazing stories that he made up himself.

Crowds were the problem for Flynn. In a full room he would always argue, DISAGREE and generally be poor company. But in a small group — two or three people – he could charm the birds from the trees.