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Joe: Hey, you know I ran into John today and he’s gonna actually be doin’ some travelin’ in Europe. He’s, uh, he says he’s gonna spend a lot of time in Prague.

David: Oh, Prague’s awesome. Ah . . . did I tell you I lived there?

Joe: No, get out of here. You never told me that.

David: Yeah, I lived in Prague about 15 years ago.

Joe: Oh, whoa, du-, what were you doing there?

David: Well, I was traveling. I didn’t actually know that I would end up in Prague. I was just gonna do whatever came along.

Joe: Wait, where’d you start out traveling?

David: I got a one way ticket to Amsterdam.

Joe: [laugh] Oh, nice.

David: And one of the only people that I knew in Europe was this chick that I used to go out with. So I figured I’d look her up. I knew she had another boyfriend at that point. But she said she could get me a place to stay and she was in Prague. So I figured I’d go there for a few weeks and see how it went.

Joe: She was from Prague? Or…

David: No, she was American, but she was over there teaching English.

Joe: Oh, nice, nice.

David: Yeah.

Joe: So wait, how long did you spend in Amsterdam?

David: I only spent about four days in Amsterdam before I got kind of sick of it.

Joe: So you were just goin’, you were just basically like, uh, travelin’ through.

David: Yeah, and then I started hitching.

Joe: Oh, nice, nice.

David: And kind of hooked up with some English chicks and just kind of spent a little bit of time with them on the road. And then eventually ended up, uh, on a train late at night and, uh, didn’t have any money, but pretended I didn’t understand what anyone was saying and ended up in Prague.

Joe: Wait, when you first took off, um, from the U.S., were you actually traveling alone?

David: Totally by myself.

Joe: Oh, sweet.

David: Yep.

Joe: Nice…

David: It’s funny, looking back, I didn’t have anything with me, y’know.

Joe: Yeah, you could just like basically, uh, take off on a whim.

David: I had like one pair of shoes and no health insurance and I was just, uh, livin’ large.

Joe: [laugh] That’s nice. And you know what, now you would probably look back and think that you were totally broke. And, uh, that, now that you have kids, that would be a difficult, a very difficult thing to think of.

David: If I had to be responsible for them it would be difficult. But, y’know, I, uh, I was only responsible for me. And I kind of… I was, I was in the mood to, uh, to feel anonymous. I wanted to go where no one recognized me.

Joe: Yeah, no that sounds great. So you, I, that’s great that you just traveled alone. A lot of people, uh, are not into doin’ that, y’know?

David: Yeah, well, it’s a big deal.

Joe: Yeah, some people…

David: You’ve got to kind of put yourself out there and just see what happens, y’know.

Joe: Yeah, exactly. I actually, I’ve never traveled alone. But, uh, I, I’m sure I could do it, y’know, because, uh, I’m good, I, I feel like I’m pretty good at meeting people, y’know?

David: Yeah, yeah. Well sometimes it’s fun to meet people and other times it’s fun to just truly be on your own. And, y’know, you get into a situation where you, where you realize that nobody knows where you are…

Joe: [laugh]

David: …and you just have this total sense of, uh, freedom.

Joe: Yeah.

David: It’s crazy.

Joe: Yeah, I can only imagine.

David: Yeah.

Joe: You took the train from Amsterdam to, uh, to Prague?

David: No, I took the train to somewhere in Germany and then I started thumbing on the side of the road.

Joe: [laugh] Oh, how long did you stay in Germany?

David: Uh, like two days.

Joe: Oh, that wasn’t long at all.

David: Yeah, just long enough for a couple of weird people to meet me and, uh, help me out, and take me to different places.

Joe: So they actually picked you up?

David: Yeah, at one point I decided that I didn’t really care what direction the car was going as long as it was warm and dry, I was getting in.

Joe: Wait, did you, were you actually like, uh, did you believe that you were headed to Prague at that point or were you just…

David: Yeah…I was…

Joe: …headed wherever?

David: No, I was headed to Prague, but I didn’t really care if it took me a while or what.

Joe: Oh, that’s cool.

David: So I just kind of went with the flow of what was happening.

Joe: Yeah, what did you think of Germany while you were there, because I’ve never been there…

David: Kind of weird…

Joe: …either.

David: …kind of weird. Uh, y’know, being, uh, being a Jew, uh…

Joe: [laugh]

David: …I was kind of aware of the history.

Joe: Yeah, I’m sure that that’s something that is pretty hard to forget.

David: Yeah, although, you know interestingly, the only person I met in Europe who was a deadhead was in Germany.

Joe: Oh really!

David: Yeah, and he was like so happy that I was into the Dead when he met me and I gave him one tape that I had…

Joe: [laugh]

David: …and he was just ecstatic, because they weren’t able to get tapes like we were at that point.

Joe: Oh, so he was actually German.

David: Yeah.

Joe: [laugh] That’s great.

David: Because this was before computers.

Joe: Yeah, well if you think about it the Dead played there in, uh, ’81, and, uh…

David: Yeah, he, he knew about them. He knew what was up, but he was like, y’know…

Joe: Yeah.

David: …I could use some music. And he had a Dead shirt on. He showed me. It was funny.

Joe: Wait, he, he was actually wearing a Grateful Dead shirt when you met him?

David: Uh-huh.

Joe: [laugh] That’s great.

David: It was like underneath a sweatshirt. He was like, “No, really.” He pulls over… He lifts up the sweatshirt. He was like “Look.” It was like an old tie-dye.

Joe: Were you wearing one also?

David: No.

Joe: Oh, so how did he know?

David: Uh, I just started talking about it and I had bootlegs with me.

Joe: Oh, that’s great.

  • ran into: to unexpectedly see someone
  • get out of here: are you serious?
  • end up: to go to a place last
  • chick: girl or woman
  • go out with: date
  • look her up: contact her
  • sick of it: no longer interested in it
  • hitching: hitchhiking; traveling by getting a free ride in a car with someone you do not know
  • hooked up: met
  • on the road: traveling
  • took off: to leave
  • sweet: very good
  • on a whim: to do something without a lot of thought
  • livin’ large: doing very well
  • totally broke: had no money
  • anonymous: no one knows you
  • not into doin’ that: do not want to do that
  • a big deal: important
  • put yourself out there: to get involved
  • it’s crazy: hard to believe
  • thumbing: hitchhiking; traveling by getting a free ride in a car with someone you do not know
  • picked you up: gave you a ride in a car
  • headed to: going to
  • cool: good
  • went with the flow: to do without planningv
  • Jew: Jewish person
  • deadhead: a fan of the American rock and roll music band the Grateful Dead
  • the Dead: short for the Grateful Dead; an American rock and roll music band
  • tape: cassette tape
  • ecstatic: very happy
  • knew what was up: to know about
  • Grateful Dead: an American rock and roll music band
  • tie-dye: a colorful t-shirt
  • bootlegs: cassette tapes with a recording of a music band playing in concert