ЕГЭ: Упражнение 5 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Dana doesn’t have to explain her actions to her parents.
B) James’s brother says that he has done badly in his university exams.
C) James had to study much harder in some school subjects than others.
D) Dana believes becoming a maths professor isn’t a good career.
E) James has written a complete novel.
F) Dana suggests that James could pay someone to help him study.
G) Dana doesn’t enjoy reading any kind of literature.

A) Dana doesn’t have to explain her actions to her parents. FALSE
B) James’s brother says that he has done badly in his university exams. NOT STATED
C) James had to study much harder in some school subjects than others. TRUE
D) Dana believes becoming a maths professor isn’t a good career. NOT STATED
E) James has written a complete novel. FALSE
F) Dana suggests that James could pay someone to help him study. TRUE
G) Dana doesn’t enjoy reading any kind of literature. FALSE


James: It’s stressful to think about how difficult university will be, don’t you think, Dana?

Dana: Yes, but I try to focus on how much fun it will be, James – you know, to have the freedom to do what you want. My parents aren’t strict, but I have to explain myself every time I want to do something. It’ll be nice to escape that!

James: Yes, but I’m talking about the studies. My brother’s at university, and although he tends to be a bit dramatic, he says the exams are tough. You have to study much harder than at school.

Dana: Hmm. Well, I wouldn’t think about that too much. When the time comes, you’ll do what’s right, even if it means staying up all night to do it.

James: And what if that’s not enough? I’ve got good marks at school, but there were some subjects that troubled me. Like maths, for example. I had to study twice as hard for those exams as for the others.

Dana: Well, you can choose a university course that doesn’t include maths! You’re not going to university to become a maths professor, are you? Have you decided on a course yet?

James: I’m thinking of doing English lit. I’ve done pretty well in my English lessons, and I have a knack for writing. I’ve got a lot of short stories written, and one day, I hope to write a novel.

Dana: That’s fantastic. You don’t need to worry about maths then. You might be able to include some psychology or philosophy on your course, but you’ll probably enjoy those. You can always hire a private tutor if any courses trouble you.

James: That’s a good idea. I suppose we all have to put in some extra studying for the courses that we find difficult.

Dana: I’m the opposite to you in terms of strengths and weaknesses. I’m not so good at English literature. I love to read a good book now and again, but I just read them for entertainment. I could never analyse them.

James: Well, were’re all different! I’ll be looking forward to taking some English literature courses. Hopefully the more difficult topics wont be too bad.

Dana: Yes, and don’t listen to everything your brother tells you!

Упр. 4 | 5 | 6