Упражнение 88 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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The Renaissance
Around 1350. art, learning, and science started to flourish in some parts of Europe. To many people, this was the beginning of a new golden age.
This period was not the ___ONE___ golden age in Europe.
Greece ___HAVE___ one 1,900 years before. About 500 years later, Roman civilization had been at its height.
Because this new golden age was something like ___EARLY___ Greek and Roman periods, it is called the Renaissance. The word ‘renaissance’ means ‘rebirth.’ Many Greek and Roman values were reborn in the Renaissance.

Windsor Castle
Windsor is a small town not far from London which is about a thousand years old.
It became the setting for The Merry ___WIFE___ of Windsor,
Shakespeare’s only comedy that takes place in England, when Queen Elizabeth I commanded ___HE___ to write a play for her court.
What the town is famous for today is Windsor Castle, the Royal residence. From a plane Windsor Castle with its big round tower looks like a child’s dream of a sand castle. Sadly, in 1992 fire ___DESTROY___ a large part of the castle buildings.
Since then the Castle ___REPAIR___. It required a lot of money. To pay for it, it was decided to open Buckingham Palace to the public at selected times of the year and to charge visitors a fee.

The Renaissance
Around 1350. art, learning, and science started to flourish in some parts of Europe. To many people, this was the beginning of a new golden age.
This period was not the FIRST golden age in Europe.
Greece HAD HAD one 1,900 years before. About 500 years later, Roman civilization had been at its height.
Because this new golden age was something like EARLIER Greek and Roman periods, it is called the Renaissance. The word ‘renaissance’ means ‘rebirth.’ Many Greek and Roman values were reborn in the Renaissance.

Windsor Castle
Windsor is a small town not far from London which is about a thousand years old.
It became the setting for The Merry WIVES of Windsor,
Shakespeare’s only comedy that takes place in England, when Queen Elizabeth I commanded HIM to write a play for her court.
What the town is famous for today is Windsor Castle, the Royal residence. From a plane Windsor Castle with its big round tower looks like a child’s dream of a sand castle. Sadly, in 1992 fire DESTROYED a large part of the castle buildings.
Since then the Castle HAS BEEN REPAIRED. It required a lot of money. To pay for it, it was decided to open Buckingham Palace to the public at selected times of the year and to charge visitors a fee.