Произношение слова you.

Play произношение you

>> Слово you произносится как *ya <<

Нажмите на кнопку вверху и прослушайте диалог, в котором фразы произносятся сначала в медленном и отчетливом темпе, а затем в естественном. Обращайте внимание на произношение слова you.

Josh: Grandpa, do you like the Internet? Josh: Grandpa, do *ya like the Internet?
Gramdpa: No. You can’t do anything on the Internet. Grandpa: No. *Ya can’t do anything on the Internet.
Josh: Do you know how to use the Internet? Josh: Do *ya know how to use the Internet?
Grandpa: Well, no. Do you? Grandpa: Well, no. Do you?
Josh: Sure. I’ll show you. Josh: Sure. I’ll show *ya.
Grandpa: No, thanks. The Internet’s for young people. Grandpa: No, thanks. The Internet’s *fer young people.
Josh: The Internet’s for everybody. Josh: The Internet’s *fer everybody.
Grandpa: Okay. How do you use the Internet? Grandpa: Okay. How do *ya use the Internet?
Josh: Well, first, you find your Internet software on your computer screen. Josh: Well, first, *ya find *yer Internet software on *yer computer screen.
Grandpa: Internet software? What are you talking about? Grandpa: Internet software? What are *ya talking about?

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