Произношение слова yours.

Play произношение yours

>> Слово yours произносится как *yers <<

Нажмите на кнопку вверху и прослушайте диалог, в котором фразы произносятся сначала в медленном и отчетливом темпе, а затем в естественном. Обращайте внимание на произношение слова yours.

Linda: I just got a raise at work. Linda: I just got a raise at work.
Tim: Really? I love your job. Tim: Really? I love *yer job.
Linda: I love yours. Linda: I love *yers.
Tim: Your job pays really well. Tim: *Yer job pays really well.
Linda: Yours is interesting. Linda: *Yers is interesting.
Tim: Your boss teaches the employees new things. Tim: *Yer boss teaches the employees new things.
Linda: But yours is funny. Linda: But *yers is funny.
Tim: You’re right, but your job is near your home. Tim: *Yer right, but *yer job is near *yer home.
Linda: Yours is near your father-in-law’s house. Linda: *Yers is near *yer father-in-law’s house.
Tim: Yeah. Yours is far from my father-in-law’s house … I love your job. Tim: Yeah. *Yers is far from my father-in-law’s house… I love *yer job.

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