Английское произношение слова and.

Play произношение and

>> Слово and произносится как *’n’ <<

Нажмите на кнопку вверху и прослушайте диалог, в котором фразы произносятся сначала в медленном и отчетливом темпе, а затем в естественном. Обращайте внимание на произношение слов and.

Julie: I want to make a reservation for Tuesday, April 6. Julie: I *wanna make a reservation *fer Tuesday, April 6.
Reservations: We have a single room and a double room available for the sixth. Reservations: We have a single room *’n’ a double room available *fer the sixth.
Julie: Does the double have a refrigerator and an extra bed? Julie: Does the double have a refrigerator *’n’ an extra bed?
Reservations: It has a refrigerator, and we can get you a rollaway bed. Reservations: It has a refrigerator, *’n’ we *kin *git *ya a rollaway bed.
Julie: Is it quiet? And is there a charge for children under three? Julie: Is it quiet? *’N’ is there a charge *fer children under three?
Reservations: Yes, it’s ver quiet and there’s no charge for children. Reservations: Yes, it’s very quiet, *’n’ there’s no charge *fer children.
Julie: Great. I’ll take it. There’ll be four people: myself, my husband, and two children. Julie: Great. I’ll take it. There’ll be four people: myself, my husband, *’n’ two children.
Reservations: Fine. I’ll need your name and a credit card number to hold that room. Reservations: Fine. I’ll need *yer name *’n’ a credit card number *ta hold that room.
Julie: My name is Julie Kim, K-I-M, and my credit card number is 453. … Julie: My name is Julie Kim, K-I-M, *’n’ my credit card number is 453….
Reservations: Excuse me. An airplane flew overhead, and I couldn’t hear. What’s your … Reservations: Excuse me. An airplane flew overhead, *’n’ couldn’t hear. What’s *yer …

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