Упражнение 43 на вставку в текст фраз (задание ЕГЭ)

Упражнение 43 для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

Определите, в какие пропуски подходят данные под текстом фразы. Одна фраза лишняя.


Whales in a Noisy Ocean

Whales use sound in very different ways. Some whales produce songs that travel over vast distances. They also use echolocation, like bats, ___A___. But other noise in the ocean creates a problem for the whales.

Since 1987, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has sent their research vessel Song of the Whale around the world ___B___. During the travels, the Song of the Whale scientists have developed expertise ___C___ to listen to and record the sounds that the animals make. This helps them to track, identify, and survey different species.

One of the threats facing whales and other marine animals is noise pollution in the seas, such as noise from drilling, military activities, oil exploration, and coastal construction. This noise can cause great distress to whales and dolphins and can ___D___.

It is feared this noise pollution may cause mass strandings, ___E___. If the Song of the Whale team can ___F___, then hopefully the nature and location of disturbing noise can be changed.

1. in using underwater microphones
2. to locate food and find their way
3. result in injury and even death
4. track and identify their habitats
5. to filter out food from the water
6. to provide a platform for marine research
7. when large numbers come ashore

A – 2; B – 6; C – 1; D – 3; E – 7; F – 4

Whales in a Noisy Ocean

Whales use sound in very different ways. Some whales produce songs that travel over vast distances. They also use echolocation, like bats, to locate food and find their way. But other noise in the ocean creates a problem for the whales.

Since 1987, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has sent their research vessel Song of the Whale around the world to provide a platform for marine research. During the travels, the Song of the Whale scientists have developed expertise in using underwater microphones to listen to and record the sounds that the animals make. This helps them to track, identify, and survey different species.

One of the threats facing whales and other marine animals is noise pollution in the seas, such as noise from drilling, military activities, oil exploration, and coastal construction. This noise can cause great distress to whales and dolphins and can result in injury and even death.

It is feared this noise pollution may cause mass strandings, when large numbers come ashore. If the Song of the Whale team can track and identify their habitats, then hopefully the nature and location of disturbing noise can be changed.