Упражнение 27 на написание личного письма

Здесь находится упражнение 27 на написание письма личного характера.

… I’ll never forget what my mom asked when I declared I’d like to buy a pair of ripped jeans: ‘D’you mean you want to buy them like that? With the rips?! At this price?!’ And it got me thinking. So, after seeing my favourite celebrities wear these jeans and not being able to afford them ever, I’ve decided to do it myself. All I needed were a pair of common jeans, a pair of scissors and the urge to rebel. And I managed it!
What is your favourite outfi t for going out? What are the fashionable clothes like for the cold Russian winter? How do you usually shop for clothes?

Write a letter to Angela.
In your letter
— answer her questions
— ask 3 questions about her favourite celebrities
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.