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The Government has decided to take the (1) … (popular) decision to ban smoking in a lot of public places.

Though a lot of people find smoking (2) … (to please), and though experts all agree it is (3) … (health) and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also (4)… (to deny) that many people get pleasure from the habit and find smoking (5) … (to resist) when they are in company.

However, it is now (6) … (possible) to deny the antisocial nature of the habit. As advertising has proved (7) … (effect) with many smokers , the Government has now made smoking (8) … (legal) in most public places.

Smokers who are (9) … (ability) to stop smoking will be obliged to enjoy their pastime in private and may feel the new measures are (10) … (justice), but for passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is (11) … (bear) they will come as a breath of fresh air.

The Government has decided to take the unpopular decision to ban smoking in a lot of public places. — Правительство решило принять непопулярное решение о запрете курения во многих общественных местах.

Though a lot of people find smoking unpleasant, and though experts all agree it is unhealthy and that it costs the state a lot to treat victims of smoking, it is also undeniable that many people get pleasure from the habit and find smoking irresistible when they are in company. — Хотя много людей находят находят курение неприятным и хотя все эксперты соглашаются с тем, что он вредно и что оно стоит правительству много денег, чтобы лечить жертв курения, также нельзя отрицать, что многие люди получают удовольствие от этой привычки и испытывают непреодолимое желание покурить, когда они в компании.

However, it is now impossible to deny the antisocial nature of the habit. As advertising has proved ineffective with many smokers, the Government has now made smoking illegal in most public places. — Однако нельзя отрицать антисоциальную природу курения. Поскольку пропаганда оказалось неэффективной в случае со многими курильщиками, правительство сделало курение незаконным во многих общественных местах.

Smokers who are unable to stop smoking will be obliged to enjoy their pastime in private and may feel the new measures are unjust, but for passive smokers for whom a room full of smoke is unbearable they will come as a breath of fresh air. — Курильщики, который неспособны прекратить курить будут вынуждены наслаждаться своим времяпрепровождением у себя дома, и они могут посчитать такие меры несправедливыми, но для пассивных курильщиков, для которых задымленное помещение невыносимо, это будет глотком свежего воздуха.