Упражнение 6 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 6 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. He has (bet) on the black horse.
2. Why has he (quit) the university?
3. She has (teach) herself working on a computer.
4. The months have (speed) along.
5. He has (sleep) well.
6. Has the river (freeze) over yet?
7. She has always (stand) out in a crowd.
8. He has (bring) his friend to lunch.
9. The government has (beat) prices.
10. Have you (fly) across the Atlantic?
11. He has (say) that he would have read the book by the day after tomorrow.
12. The town has (lie) in ruins for a month.
13. We have (light) a fire.
14. He is (stick) in a traffic jam.
15. He has always (dream) of becoming rich.

1. He has bet on the black horse. – Он поставил на черную лошадь.
2. Why has he quit the university? – Почему он ушел из университета?
3. She has taught herself working on a computer. – Она научилась работать на компьютере.
4. The months have sped along. – Проносились месяца.
5. He has slept well. – Он хорошо выспался.
6. Has the river frozen over yet? – Река уже замерзла?
7. She has always stood out in a crowd. – Она всегда выделялась из толпы.
8. He has brought his friend to lunch. – Он привел друга на ланч.
9. The government has beaten (можно beat) prices. – Правительство снизило цены.
10. Have you flown across the Atlantic? – Вы перелетели через Атлантику?
11. He has said that he would have read the book by the day after tomorrow. – Он сказал, что прочтет книгу к послезавтра.
12. The town has lain in ruins for a month. – Город пролежал в руинах месяц.
13. We have lit (можно lighted) a fire. – Мы разожгли костер.
14. He is stuck in a traffic jam. – Он застрял в дорожной пробке.
15. He has always dreamt (можно dreamed) of becoming rich. – Он всегда мечтал разбогатеть.