Упражнение 4 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 4 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. They have (broadcast) the latest news.
2. Father has (let) me wash the car.
3. She has (spend) her life doing good.
4. Have you (wind) threat on a reel?
5. They have (breed) him low.
6. She can’t stand our parting. She has (weep).
7. He has (keep) her out of trouble.
8. He has (leap) up from his chair.
9. They have (come) a long way.
10. Doctors have (fight) against this disease for many years.
11. He has (draw) an elephant.
12. They have (throw) themselves into the work.
13. He has (sit) himself next to me.
14. Have you (take) the truck to the garage?
15. For the last years in our city offices of foreign firms have (begin) to appear.

1. They have broadcast the latest news. – Они передали последние новости.
2. Father has let me wash the car. – Отец разрешил мне помыть машину.
3. She has spent her life doing good. – Она потратила жизнь на совершение добра.
4. Have you wound threat on a reel? – Вы намотали нитку на катушку?
5. They have bred him low. – Они плохо воспитали его.
6. She can’t stand our parting. She has wept. – Она не выносит нашего расставания. Она заплакала.
7. He has kept her out of trouble. – Он не впутывал ее в неприятности.
8. He has leapt (можно leaped) up from his chair. – Он вскочил со стула.
9. They have come a long way. – Они прошли долгий путь.
10. Doctors have fought against this disease for many years. – Много лет врачи боролись с этой болезнью.
11. He has drawn an elephant. – Он нарисовал слона.
12. They have thrown themselves into the work. – Они ударились в работу.
13. He has sat himself next to me. – Он сел рядом со мной.
14. Have you taken the truck to the garage? – Вы поставили грузовик в гараж?
15. For the last years in our city offices of foreign firms have begun to appear. – В течение последних лет в нашем городе начали появляться офисы иностранных компаний.