Упражнение 10 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 10 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. She has (drive) for twenty years.
2. He has (tear) a hole in his sweater.
3. She has (learn) how to ride a horse for a month.
4. I have (hold) talks with them.
5. Have you (lose) your car key?
6. I have (weave) rugs for twenty years.
7. I have (beseech) her not to divorce from me.
8. The radio has (bear) the latest news.
9. They have (blow) their chance.
10. He is well (pay).
11. Why have you (sling) him out of the room?
12. He has (smell) trouble.
13. I was (bite) by an insect.
14. He has (lead) a charge against them.
15. Have you (get) money for your work?

1. She has driven for twenty years. – Уже двадцать лет она ездит на автомобиле.
2. He has torn a hole in his sweater. – Он сделал дыру в свитере.
3. She has learnt (можно learned) how to ride a horse for a month. – Она научилась ездить на лошади в течение месяца.
4. I have held talks with them. – Я провел переговоры с ними.
5. Have you lost your car key? – Ты потерял ключи от машины?
6. I have woven (можно weaved) rugs for twenty years. – Уже двадцать лет я вяжу коврики.
7. I have besought (можно beseeched) her not to divorce from me. – Я попросил ее не разводиться со мной.
8. The radio has borne (можно born) the latest news. – Радио сообщило последние новости.
9. They have blown their chance. – Они упустил возможность.
10. He is well paid. – Ему хорош платят.
11. Why have you slung him out of the room? – Почему ты выгнал его из комнаты?
12. He has smelt (можно smelled) trouble. – Он почувствовал неприятность.
13. I was bit (можно bitten) by an insect. – Меня укусило насекомое.
14. He has led a charge against them. – Он вела судебное разбирательство с ним.
15. Have you got money for your work? – Ты получил деньга для работы?