Текст Single Parent

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Single Parent

Kate has two different children with two different fathers, neither of whom they live with and to both of whom they are close. She is not the typical single mother, but then there is no typical single mother any more than there is a typical mother.

The structure of her household is messy and warm. If there is anything that oppresses her children, it is the idea of the way families are “supposed to be” pushed at them.

Certainly, single motherhood can be more difficult than other kinds of motherhood. In a house with two parents, there is generally a little more balance: a comfortable division of affection and of responsibilities.

But it is not accurate to blame the rise in crime on single mothers. JK Rowling, one of the world’s most famous single mothers once wrote in an article: “Women like me… were, according to popular myth, a prime cause of social breakdown… Between 1993 and 1997, I did the job of two parents, qualified and then worked as a secondary school teacher, wrote one and a half novels and did the planning for a further five. To be told, over and over again, that I was lazy — even
immoral — did not help.”

A two-parent, financially stable home with stress and conflict would be more destructive to children than a one-parent, financially stable home without stress and conflict.