ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 48 на лексику

Упражнение 48 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Following the recent earthquake, Chinese wildlife experts have moved eight giant pknda bears from the Wolong Nature Reservein Sichuan province to Beijing Zoo.

These __ATTRACT__ black and white animals are all less than two years old.

The public __RARE__ sees so many young panda bears in the same place.

So there has been a lot of interest from the __NATIONAL__ media.

It seems that everyone thinks that panda bears are __FASCINATE__ .

Perhaps, it is because there are so few of them. But in fact, pandas aren’t as rare as they used to be. Their numbers have grown fairly fast since the Chinese organised the first __NATURE__ habitat for panda bears in 1958.

New research methods mean it is less __DIFFICULTY__ to find the bears, and we can track the number of animals much more accurately than we could before. Although they are still few in number, their chances for the fiiture are better than they have been for many years.

Following the recent earthquake, Chinese wildlife experts have moved eight giant pknda bears from the Wolong Nature Reservein Sichuan province to Beijing Zoo.

These ATTRACTIVE black and white animals are all less than two years old.

The public RARELY sees so many young panda bears in the same place.

So there has been a lot of interest from the INTERNATIONAL media.

It seems that everyone thinks that panda bears are FASCINATING .

Perhaps, it is because there are so few of them. But in fact, pandas aren’t as rare as they used to be. Their numbers have grown fairly fast since the Chinese organised the first NATURAL habitat for panda bears in 1958.

New research methods mean it is less DIFFICULT to find the bears, and we can track the number of animals much more accurately than we could before. Although they are still few in number, their chances for the fiiture are better than they have been for many years.