ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 39 на лексику

Упражнение 39 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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The capital of the Commonwealth is Canberra. Each State government takes care of its __EDUCATE__, health, justice, roads and railways.
Canberra was planned as a capital city and its people almost all do government work. Forty years ago Canberra was a tiny __SETTLE__ of a few homesteads, a church, a school and post office. Though still __FINISH__ , it is now a garden city with broad roads lined with __ORNAMENT__ trees and shrubs. The State capitals not only contain their governments but are the centres of trade industry. They are all bigger than Canberra and all are __IMPORT__ seaport.

The capital of the Commonwealth is Canberra. Each State government takes care of its EDUCATION, health, justice, roads and railways.
Canberra was planned as a capital city and its people almost all do government work. Forty years ago Canberra was a tiny SETTLEMENT of a few homesteads, a church, a school and post office. Though still UNFINISHED , it is now a garden city with broad roads lined with ORNAMENTAL trees and shrubs. The State capitals not only contain their governments but are the centres of trade industry. They are all bigger than Canberra and all are IMPORTANT seaport.