ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 33 на лексику

Упражнение 33 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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An iceberg is a __MASSIVE__ of freshwater ice that is broken off from a glacier floating in the ocean or in a lake. Ice floats because its density is __LITTLE__ than that of water. A typical iceberg shows only about one-fifth of its total size above the water, the other four-fifths is submerged. Icebergs can be large. The __LARGE__ iceberg ever sighted was 335 km in length and 97 km in __WIDE__ . Icebergs can have __DIFFER__ forms depending on their origin and age.

An iceberg is a MASS of freshwater ice that is broken off from a glacier floating in the ocean or in a lake. Ice floats because its density is LESS than that of water. A typical iceberg shows only about one-fifth of its total size above the water, the other four-fifths is submerged. Icebergs can be large. The LARGEST iceberg ever sighted was 335 km in length and 97 km in WIDTH. Icebergs can have DIFFERENT forms depending on their origin and age.