ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 24 на лексику

Упражнение 24 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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It was my luck to have a good teacher in life, my biology teacher Mr. Kumar. He had a very interesting __APPEAR__, which I still remember.

Mr. Kumar was a regular __VISIT__ to my father’s zoo.

The first time I saw him in the zoo. He was watching the rhinos and looked really __AMAZE__.

The two Indian rhinos were a great __ATTRACT__ at the zoo.

That day Mr. Kumar told me about rhinos such facts that I hadn’t known before. __SURE__, my father didn’t know them either.

That day I decided to become a __ZOOLOGY__.

It was my luck to have a good teacher in life, my biology teacher Mr. Kumar. He had a very interesting APPEARANCE, which I still remember.

Mr. Kumar was a regular VISITOR to my father’s zoo.

The first time I saw him in the zoo. He was watching the rhinos and looked really AMAZED.

The two Indian rhinos were a great ATTRACTION at the zoo.

That day Mr. Kumar told me about rhinos such facts that I hadn’t known before. SURELY, my father didn’t know them either.

That day I decided to become a ZOOLOGIST.