ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 22 на лексику

Упражнение 22 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Russian culture has a rich history and strong traditions, __PARTICULAR__ when it comes to literature, philosophy, music, ballet, architecture and painting.

It’s __POSSIBLE__ to understand Russian culture without visiting small Russian towns.

So if you travel along the Golden Ring you should see Alexandrov, a __CHARM__ town with ancient history.

Thousands of tourists come to see its Kremlin which was built by __ITALY__ and Moscow craftsmen in the 16th century.

Created by the order of Vasily III, it was second only to the Kremlin in Moscow in size, beauty and __RICH__.

The Trinity Cathedral was the most magnificent __BUILD__ of the Kremlin. The Tsar Ivan the Terrible visited Alexandrov in 1564. He liked the place so much, that for the next 17 years he used it as his residence.

Russian culture has a rich history and strong traditions, PARTICULARLY when it comes to literature, philosophy, music, ballet, architecture and painting.

It’s IMPOSSIBLE to understand Russian culture without visiting small Russian towns.

So if you travel along the Golden Ring you should see Alexandrov, a CHARMING town with ancient history.

Thousands of tourists come to see its Kremlin which was built by ITALIAN and Moscow craftsmen in the 16th century.

Created by the order of Vasily III, it was second only to the Kremlin in Moscow in size, beauty and RICHNESS.

The Trinity Cathedral was the most magnificent BUILDING of the Kremlin. The Tsar Ivan the Terrible visited Alexandrov in 1564. He liked the place so much, that for the next 17 years he used it as his residence.