ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 15 на лексику

Упражнение 15 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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How I Was a ‘Punk’

In the fashion and music industries hair styles change as __QUICK__ as traffic lights but bright red or green usually dominates.

So, I’m neither the first nor the last to dye my hair a shocking color. When you dye your hair some __NATURAL__ color, people feel that you are trying to draw attention to yourself and they start passing __DIFFER__ comments.

So, when some adults saw my __COLOUR__ red and green hair, they told me that they hated the color and some children cried, ‘Look-it’s a punk’.

At last I was not allowed to take my school exams because of that bright color.

I __SERIOUS__ think that our social attitudes haven’t changed since the late 1970’s and the days of the punk Mohican. I was called ‘rebellious’ and ‘__POLITE__’. I have also discovered what poor manners many people show when it comes to reacting to other people’s choice of hair color. Only hair color and nothing else.

How I Was a ‘Punk’

In the fashion and music industries hair styles change as QUICKLY as traffic lights but bright red or green usually dominates.

So, I’m neither the first nor the last to dye my hair a shocking color. When you dye your hair some UNNATURAL color, people feel that you are trying to draw attention to yourself and they start passing DIFFERENT comments.

So, when some adults saw my COLOURFUL red and green hair, they told me that they hated the color and some children cried, ‘Look-it’s a punk’.

At last I was not allowed to take my school exams because of that bright color.

I SERIOUSLY think that our social attitudes haven’t changed since the late 1970’s and the days of the punk Mohican. I was called ‘rebellious’ and ‘IMPOLITE’. I have also discovered what poor manners many people show when it comes to reacting to other people’s choice of hair color. Only hair color and nothing else.