ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 34 на грамматику

Упражнение 34 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Mrs. Darling returned to the nursery, and __FIND__ Nana with __SOME__ in her mouth, which proved to be the boy’s shadow. As he leapt at the window Nana had closed it quickly, too late to catch him, but his shadow had not had time to get out.
You may be sure Mrs. Darling __EXAMINE__ the shadow carefully, but it was quite the ordinary kind. Nana had no doubt of what was the best thing to do with this shadow. She hung it out at the window, meaning «He is sure to come back for it; let us put it where he can get it easily without __DISTURB__ the children.» But Mrs. Darling could not leave it hanging out at the window. She thought of __SHOW__ it to Mr. Darling, but she knew exactly what he __SAY__:
«It all __COME__ of having a dog for a nurse.»

Mrs. Darling returned to the nursery, and FOUND Nana with SOMETHING in her mouth, which proved to be the boy’s shadow. As he leapt at the window Nana had closed it quickly, too late to catch him, but his shadow had not had time to get out.
You may be sure Mrs. Darling EXAMINED the shadow carefully, but it was quite the ordinary kind. Nana had no doubt of what was the best thing to do with this shadow. She hung it out at the window, meaning «He is sure to come back for it; let us put it where he can get it easily without DISTURBING the children.» But Mrs. Darling could not leave it hanging out at the window. She thought of SHOWING it to Mr. Darling, but she knew exactly what he WOULD SAY:
«It all COMES of having a dog for a nurse.»