ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 23 на грамматику

Упражнение 23 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали контексту.


English as a foreign language has been popular for quite a long time. I love __SPEAK__ English so I use any opportunity to do it.

Actually, I __STUDY__ English since my primary school.

But I __NOT/THINK__ my eleven-year English learning is very effective.

When I __LEAVE__ primary school, all I had learnt was very limited vocabulary, basic greetings and asking for directions.

In high school, __WE__ English classes consisted of very easy listening practice and writing an article within 150 words.

However, when I came to Singapore for oneyear English course, things that I __TEACH__ there were totally different.

During my course there, I was suddenly exposed to __ADVANCED__ English than I had studied before.

Our tutors explained to us how to be an effective reader, do critical thinking and write academic __ESSAY__ on our own.

That was the __ONE__ time I had to think in English.

English as a foreign language has been popular for quite a long time. I love SPEAKING (или также TO SPEAK) English so I use any opportunity to do it.

Actually, I HAVE BEEN STUDYING (или также HAVE STUDIED) English since my primary school.

But I DO NO THINK my eleven-year English learning is very effective.

When I LEFT primary school, all I had learnt was very limited vocabulary, basic greetings and asking for directions.

In high school, OUR English classes consisted of very easy listening practice and writing an article within 150 words.

However, when I came to Singapore for oneyear English course, things that I WAS TAUGHT there were totally different.

During my course there, I was suddenly exposed to MORE ADVANCED English than I had studied before.

Our tutors explained to us how to be an effective reader, do critical thinking and write academic ESSAYS on our own.

That was the FIRST time I had to think in English.