ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 17 на грамматику

Упражнение 17 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Driving to the airport in early morning, Nick and Ron were excited. As it was their __ONE__ journey abroad without parents they felt excited and a bit nervous.

They __ARRIVE__ in New York at about 10 p.m., and decided to go ahead and get some sightseeing out of the way.

When they settled on the Empire State Building, the 86th floor was __WINDY__ than they had expected.

Nevertheless, they got the __GREAT__ view of the city.

The rain __POUR__ when they woke up the next morning. But the boys only had two days in New York, so they had to get up and get on it.

The boys spent most, of the clay wandering around Times Square. They enjoyed __WATCH__ all the people and the street performers.

They liked this city as it was always alive, always running from one thing to another. That’s why it __CALL__ “the city that never sleeps”.

When Nick and Ron returned to the hotel to pack, they didn’t want to leave. Nick said: “New York is the best place I __SEE__ ”.
Flying back home Nick thought: “I wish we __SPEND__ more time in that amazing city!”.

Driving to the airport in early morning, Nick and Ron were excited. As it was their FIRST journey abroad without parents they felt excited and a bit nervous.

They ARRIVED in New York at about 10 p.m., and decided to go ahead and get some sightseeing out of the way.

When they settled on the Empire State Building, the 86th floor was WINDIER than they had expected.

Nevertheless, they got the GREATEST view of the city.

The rain WAS POURING when they woke up the next morning. But the boys only had two days in New York, so they had to get up and get on it.

The boys spent most, of the clay wandering around Times Square. They enjoyed WATCHING all the people and the street performers.

They liked this city as it was always alive, always running from one thing to another. That’s why it IS CALLED (или также WAS CALLED) “the city that never sleeps”.

When Nick and Ron returned to the hotel to pack, they didn’t want to leave. Nick said: “New York is the best place I HAVE SEEN ”.
Flying back home Nick thought: “I wish we SPENT (или также WOULD SPEND) more time in that amazing city!”.