ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 13 на грамматику

Упражнение 13 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Get Fit

After princess Diana __DIE__ in 1997, the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, called her ‘the people’s princess’. This was not only because she was very popular, but also because she did many things that ordinary people did. One of these things was to regularly visit her local gym.

Over the past twenty years, going to a gym __BECOME__ an important part of many people’s lives. Nowadays, the fitness business __BOOM__! But for many people fitness is not the main reason for going to a gym. They go because they are unhappy with their appearance. They want to change the way they look by losing weight and making their muscles __FIRM__. Even the beautiful Diana was not satisfied with her body.

There are gym-goers, however, who exercise to improve their fitness. It __MAKE__ them feel good.

They __DISCOVER__ that walking miles on a treadmill, or using a rowing machine has many physical benefits. They have more energy, their health __IMPROVE__ and they feel less stressed. Studies have shown that regular exercise also __HAVE__ many psychological benefits.

It improves confidence and self-esteem. People also report that when they are fitter, they can think __GOOD__.

Get Fit

After princess Diana DIED in 1997, the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, called her ‘the people’s princess’. This was not only because she was very popular, but also because she did many things that ordinary people did. One of these things was to regularly visit her local gym.

Over the past twenty years, going to a gym HAS BECOME an important part of many people’s lives. Nowadays, the fitness business IS BOOMING! But for many people fitness is not the main reason for going to a gym. They go because they are unhappy with their appearance. They want to change the way they look by losing weight and making their muscles FIRMER. Even the beautiful Diana was not satisfied with her body.

There are gym-goers, however, who exercise to improve their fitness. It MAKES them feel good.

They HAVE DISCOVERED that walking miles on a treadmill, or using a rowing machine has many physical benefits. They have more energy, their health IMPROVES and they feel less stressed. Studies have shown that regular exercise also HAS many psychological benefits.

It improves confidence and self-esteem. People also report that when they are fitter, they can think BETTER.